What is a Website Prototype?

When creating a web resource, it is very important that the client and the entire development team understand what the end result should be. It saves time for ongoing discussions and financial resources for improvements and revisions to the finished project. The website prototype is therefore the working method on which the success of the entire project depends. When the web designer starts a new project, it is necessary to create the general skeletons of the site. Thus, it will enable him to effectively create the website step by step. Before creating the website prototype, all necessary information should be obtained from the customer. Thus, the site will not be exposed to extra loads while activating. That’s why the website prototype is one of the most important analyzes for your brand.
The Importance of Images for Website

You can increase your position in search engines by applying the information that we will talk about the importance of images for your website. Images not only improve the usability of the site and make it more attractive, but also allow you to get additional traffic from image search. Search engines are constantly working on the quality of search results. Relevant images are always at the top. That’s why any images you use in articles or other posts on the site should be relevant.